Thursday, August 28, 2014

Block Island R.I. Deer Hunting Season 2014-2015

         Deer Hunting Season for Block Island, Rhode Island

                                                 2014 - - - 2015

After numerous meetings and phone calls I can honestly say that this is the way the Hunting Season for the Whitetail Deer on Block Island will be commenced this 2014-2015 hunting season.
 I have the first account in print of the details of the hunt at my computer and it is as follows;

The article was sent to this scribe by my new friend, Block Island Town Manager, Nancy Dodge

The purpose of this article is to clarify for everyone what the fall and winter hunting season will entail this year. As you all should remember, the Town, through the auspices of DEM, contracted with White/Buffalo last winter to preform a culling of the deer population. For various reasons, that operation never took place, and the Town Deer Task Force began considering a variety of alternatives for this upcoming season.
 Based on the recommendations of the Town Solicitor and the Deer Task Force, the Town will buy deer tails from resident hunters.. A resident hunter will be paid $150.00  for each deer tail legally taken and processed through the town check station. The check station will be located behind the state garage on Ocean Avenue ( unless a alternative site is selected) and will be operated by the Town. A resident is anyone who has a valid Rhode Island hunting license and meets the residency requirements of Section 2-2 of the Town Ordinances. That ordinance reads in salient part: " a resident is defined as one who resides full-time in the town. Full time residency status is not affected by absence due to enrollment at an educational institution or fulfilling a military obligation providing that the resident is also a registered Block Island voter. Full time Block Island residency status is not affected by absence, whatever the reason, or up to three months in any calendar year providing that the resident is also a Block Island voter...."
 As always, all exiting law regarding the need for landowner permission as well as all current hunting rules and regulations will apply during the upcoming hunting season.

 In order for a resident hunter to receive payment, the deer carcass must be presented at the check station where the hunter will detach and sell the tail to the Town representative. Hunters are solely responsible for the disposition of the remainder of the deer carcass.

 Payments for the purchase of deer tails will be processed through the Town finance office and will be mailed out every two weeks. The Town may decide to stop the purchase of deer tails at any time. If this does occur, notice will be given by posting in the newspaper and on the Town website. Funds for the purchase of deer tails will be provided by private donations and not from Town funds, although Town funds may be used to set up the check station in cooperation with DEM. Non-resident hunters will continue to be reimbursed for the price of deer tags as in the past.

 Archery hunting will begin on October 14, 2014, shotgun and muzzleloader hunting will begin on November 3, 2014, and the hunting season will continue through February 27, 2015. Hunting is prohibited on holidays and weekends.

  The Town encourages private landowners to grant hunting permission to island hunters. To that end, we are creating a registry to pair island hunters with landowners who are willing to have their lands hunted this year if they have not done so in the past. Island hunters are asked to contact Bonnie Ryan in the Town Clerk's office (401-466-3200) to give their names and contact information which will then be shared with landowners. A list of island hunters and their contact information will be posted on the Town's website and we urge landowners to make the connection if they have no objection to hunting on their land, (Rhode Island General law section 32-6-3 states: "Except as specifically recognized by or provided in } 32-6-5, an owner of land who either directly or indirectly invites or permits without charge any person to use that property for recreational purposes does not thereby: (1) Extend any assurance that the premises are safe for any purpose; (2) Confer upon that person the legat status of an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed; nor (3) Assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury to any person or property caused by an act of omission of that person.")

 Every landowner who wishes to allow hunting on their property is not required to give blanket permission but can choose selected times during the season where it will be allowed and those arrangements can be made with the hunters to whom permission is given. It is the Town's hope that everyone will cooperate and work together to increase the number of deer taken this coming year. If you have any questions, please call Town Hall at 401-466-3200 or the Town Manager 401-466-3210.

   The small isolated island is 9.75 miles and has a average 80-90deer per mile. Biologist say 8-10 is healthy on the mainland with natural predators, Black Bear, Coyote Packs, Bobcat, and Fishers, which Block Island has none. The Human Society will cry foul about the plan without researching it closely like I have. Did you know that more whitetail deer are killed in Rhode Island by Automobiles than Hunters! Our current population estimate from Brian Tefft, R.I. DEM. at our last meeting in Arcadia State Park was a healthy 15,000 to 16,000 thousand in the Ocean State because of our Sportsman Fund, State Dem's and the Pitman Act of 1934 which add a surcharge from the manufactures of 12% which is split up amongst the States to use for Natural  Resourses and from the sales of licenses, stamps and permits.
  In 1900 our great Country decimated the population of the Whitetail Deer to a mere 100,000
  In 2013 the United States Government estimate the current population at 38 Million, Quite a great success story by proper Wildlife Management and United States Sportsmen picking up the Tab !
Brian Parenteau Sportsman can legally harvest 11 deer a season With Archery, Muzzel Loader and Shotgun Seasons

Lorenda DayCoombs professional Guide

Archery Season  will commence  on October 14, 2014

Virginia White Tail Deer, smaller than the mainland.

Since 1967 when 4 Virginia White-Tail were introduced,  the herd has grown to 1,000
Over taken Native Species of Vegetation and Deer Tick borne Lyme Disease is a constant Threat.

Nebraskan Named to PF Board : The Outdoor Wire

Nebraskan Named to PF Board : The Outdoor Wire

Massachusetts Environmental Police Patrol Boat First Powered by Volvo Penta IPS Drives : The Outdoor Wire

Massachusetts Environmental Police Patrol Boat First Powered by Volvo Penta IPS Drives : The Outdoor Wire
Click on RED Massachusetts for the "Rest of the Story"
Fuel Efficent
Russian Pilot Boat
Mass. Environmental Police Fleet New Addition

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Stakes Are High In Upcoming Toyota AOY Championship In Michigan : The Outdoor Wire
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Frequent E-mail Question," Do Whitetail Deer ever Sleep " ?

Do Whitetail Deer ever Sleep ?

 A real experienced Whitetail Deer hunter knows the tell tale signs of the Whitetail Deer's bedding areas.
The more you put in to understanding a Whitetails daily movement patterns most of the time consist of the deer's nightly feeding locations and the resting location to which they usually return to during the day time.
 Now the question is what do the deer do in the bedding areas ? Do they sleep or just chew on their cud ? To tell you the truth this topic is rarely discussed in our blogspots and because of the amount of e-mails on the radio broadcast I am writing this article.
 Well, the real simple answer is yes ! In fact all Birds and Mammals sleep. Domestic animals such as Cows Sheep and Horses may even sleep standing up. Some animals mechanisms of sleep are fairly well documented, no one knows the exact reasons why animals sleep is less clear. After researching about twenty years of articles on the subject research have only produced clues to the true function of sleep.
 First, lets examine what sleep is and then lok at how this applies to the Whitetail Deer. Definition, sleep is a physiological state of rest that is necessary for the species survival. But sleep differs from unconsciousness in that sleep includes the capability of arousal, and many different animals obviously must sleep a lot differently. If you were a predator for example, you could afford to take longer, much deeper lengths of sleep to survive.
 If you were a Deer, a prey species you probably could not. For the whitetail deer, sleep is definitely necessary for their health and survival. And on the other spectrum, so is the ability to be somewhat alert to predators while sleeping.Sleep according to science is a time to rebuild cells and to recover from the physiological and you're physical activities that had occurred while you were awake.
 Sleep can divided into two general types: REM ( rapid eye movement) and also NREM ( non rapid eye movement) In basic laymens terms, NREM accounts for about 75% to 80 % of a persons sleep time, and REM is the remainder where most of dreaming occurs.
  Now we know that all Deer indeed do sleep and have a idea of why that they sleep. Wayne
    ( Source were Newspaper articles and Kim Adams in some of her work for QDMA) and personal observations in my life in the "Outdoor Scene"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Carrier of Lyme Disease, Blacklegged Ticks Now Established in Ohio: Study : The Outdoor Wire

Carrier of Lyme Disease, Blacklegged Ticks Now Established in Ohio: Study : The Outdoor Wire
Click on Red Carrier, for the "Rest of the Story"

VT Fish & Wildlife Seeks Bear Teeth from Hunters : The Outdoor Wire

VT Fish & Wildlife Seeks Bear Teeth from Hunters : The Outdoor Wire
Brian Parenteau ,Sportsman
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Catskill Fly Fishing Center to Induct Four Into Flyfishing HOF : The Outdoor Wire
Click on red Catskill, for the Rest of the Story"

Catskill Fly Fishing Center to Induct Four Into Flyfishing HOF : The Outdoor Wire

Catskill Fly Fishing Center to Induct Four Into Flyfishing HOF : The Outdoor Wire
Click on red Catskill, for the Rest of the Story"

The National Deer Alliance Names Kenyon New Director of Digital Content : The Outdoor Wire

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Forest Service and partners celebrate 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act : The Outdoor Wire
Click on Forest, for the "Rest of the Story"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Thank You for being my great guest on the "Outdoor Scene"

Third time on the broadcast and the show was a documentary quality interview with a Real Life Female Maine Guide,  Lorenda DayCoombs  Black Bear,Moose and Turkey plus her experience with introducing young people to the Outdoor Scene. Views on Bear referendum were discussed also and throw in 7 live e-mails directed to her Live !  Reminder, Bear season  in the State of Maine opens Monday August 25,
Maine Guide Lorenda DayCoombs

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Special Guest on the "Outdoor Scene" Lorenda DayCoombs" Maine Guide, Black Bear, Moose, Turkey

Tune in Sunday Aug. 24. 2014 for a inside look into the annual Black Bear Hunt in Maine
 Lorenda DayCoombs starts her fall guiding season Aug. 25, 2014 She has been a guest twice on the broadcast to record e-mails. Ask a question @ live on the broadcast. Do not miss this episode of the award winning "Outdoor Scene" WNRI.COM or Tune in Radio, a free App 1380AM  P.S I will also play a Maine State Dem Bioligist findings of opposing the Statewide Referendum to Ban the annual hunt !
Bear Tracks
Total Outdoors Person !
Mother and Son
Maine !
Seminar Speaker, Sporting Shows and Schools

Sharp Shooter !

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Coming Soon to a Plate Near You: Wild, Organic Venison : The Outdoor Wire

Coming Soon to a Plate Near You: Wild, Organic Venison : The Outdoor Wire
Click on Coming, for the "Rest of the Story"
38 Million in our great Country
At the bird feeder everyday !
Brian Parenteau loves Venison !

Organic and Healthy !